
The New Cool and the environment

Transport must halve CO2 emissions
Germans advocate CO2 standards
Government doesn’t think modern diesels are clean enough
EU: reducing truck emissions by 15%
Transport sector: in 2025, only electric in the city centre

These are all headlines in the news anno 2018.

In the near future, there are more and more cities that have their own rules for allowing freight traffic in the inner city. As a result, many companies have to invest in new trailers in order to comply with the legislation. Because the rules differ per city and country, it is almost impossible to comply with the rules for every city and country. The New Cool trailer is THE solution to enter every city. The trailer has no emissions at all because there is no diesel engine, diesel tank and exhaust are present and it is also much quieter as a conventional trailer.

A New Cool has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. So if you buy a New Cool now you can be sure that you are ready for all the changes in the legislation in the coming years.
